Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What To Wear When... School Lets Out!

Summer!, Beaches, Pools, Shorts, Bikinis, and a whole lotta Sunscreen...

Summer is definitely my favorite season. I practically LIVE at the pool in the summertime. I love wearing my tankini, sitting in the sun and just relaxing. I also love to pic out a special tree to sit under it's shade and read a nice book under. But I'm not going to do all of that, in Jeans and a t-shirt?????

Well, never fear, for Ms. Fashionista is here! I can tell you what to where on your first day of Summer fun.

1. Wear Capris!

It's too early for shorts, but too late for pants! Capris  are right in between. They are definetly fit for mid-major season fashion! You can wear capris in the fall, and in the spring!

2. Sandal Season!

No more teachers, no more books. Time to bring out, some new cute new looks! You'll be chanting that out of the classroom and into the mall! Don't wear sneakers, but  don't wear flip flops. Strapped sandals are perfect.

3. Short-Sleeve-Stuff!

You can't wear long-sleeve, but you also can't wear tank tops, or NO-SLEEVE. Short-sleeves are the best, until June of course. Until then, you can rock capris, short-sleeves and sandals!

Thanks for listening to my stupid opinions!

With Awesomeness,


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Spring Cleaning... Your Wardrobe????

Do you JUST finish your perfect winter wardrobe 2 months ago? Well, that's too bad for you now isn't it! Because it's Spring time, and be careful, it really only lasts for a month or two, because June is right around the corner!

You should never spend more than $500 on your Spring Wardrobe, especially if you live in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, or Las Miami... I mean Miami.

So, let's get to it! Here are the 3 steps to having a perfect Spring wardrobe in a hot and sunny climate!

1. $500 and under.

Too much money spent is bad. What happens when you spend $1,000 on your Spring wardrobe and after yo wear the first outfit, it's summer?

2. Remember, spring and summer are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT seasons. 

You can't wear the same outfits in two different seasons. That's like a fashion LAW! (Note to self: Publish a post about the fashion laws, of society.

3. NO Hair accessories.

I triple-dog-dare you to go an entire season (Only 3 months, chill!) without any hair accessories. I know your probably thinking But I'll die with out them (Pathetic crying) WAHHHHH AHHHH I'll die WAHHHHH. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. But it's not true! You can easily style your hair in different way without hair accessories. And when I say accessories, I mean; Headbands, Barrettes, etc. But not pony-tail holders. You absolutely NEED those.

Well, let's hope you guys can use some. And if you do, show me a picture of your outfit in the comments!