Sunday, June 8, 2014

No More Ms. Fashionista

Hey guys,

So I was thinking of stopping the blog. I don't really have any more ideas, and it takes up a lot of time to think of them. So I'm debating whether I should delete the blog, or just keep it up without posting anymore. Please let me know what you guys think about what I should do...

I'm actually much, MUCH more interested in my blog; Confessions of a Teenage Fan-Fictioner. It has to be my absolute FAVORITE blog that I've ever done. I might have that blog forever. And my review and regenerate blog is really taking off, I think its a pretty big hit so far, and I've got so much more coming for you guys.

I hope you all respect my decision for what it is, and it might take awhile to figure out what I really want to do with Ms. Fashionista.

I love you all to pieces and hope you all have amazing lives!!

With Awesomeness, 


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